Yoga Practices for When You’re Under the Weather
When we’re sick, we often find ourselves spending a substantial amount of time lying down. This can result in body soreness, stiffness, and all around aches, making even the simplest tasks challenging. However once you find yourself starting to feel a bit better, here are five yoga poses to help relieve some of the discomfort in your body.
It can be frustrating not to move our bodies like we are used to. However, being kind to your mind and body while you are sick will help lead to a faster and easier recovery.
It is important to choose a spot where you feel comfortable. Either on the ground or your bed.
I invite you to use blocks, props, blankets, pillows, allowing yourself to be as comfortable as possible and ready to fight this icky-ness away!
*Pro - Tip: Before practice using some Vicks Vapor Rub or Eucalyptus or Mint essential oils on your chest might be beneficial*
Asana #1: Seated Side Body Stretch
Begin in a nice comfortable seated position. Left palm on ground (exhale). Right arm up (inhale).
Side stretch to the left (exhale). Bring arm out to the side (inhale).
Contract in rounded back, Right hand to left shoulder (exhale). Right hand back out to the side (inhale)
x 4 each side
Improved Digestion
Enhanced Circulation
Relief from Stiffness
Mental Clarity
Soothing Nervous System
Asana #2: Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Kneel down, touch your big toes together, and sit back towards your heels.
Lower your torso between your thighs and extend your arms forward or alongside your body.
Rest your forehead on the mat or a pillow, possibly allowing the forehead (third eye) to rock side to side for a gentle massage.
Gentle Stretch of the hips, thighs, ankles, and areas that have been stiff for a prolonged time whilst being sick
Enhanced Breathing
Gentle Pressure on Abdomen
Stress Relief
Asana #3: Legs Up the Wall (Viparita Karani)
Bring sits bones close to wall and lie down, soles of the feet come to the sky, like you are going to walk on the ceiling.
Place hands either by side body or on your stomach.
Improved Circulation
Relaxation and Stress Reduction
Enhanced Lymphatic Drainage
Reduce Lower Back Discomfort
Gentle Inversion Benefits
Asana #4 : Cobra (Bhujangasana)
Lay down on your belly. Allow hands to come towards chest area. Legs relaxed behind you, nice and wide. Gently press your palms on the ground and lift your chest off your mat.
Respiratory Relief
Strengthening the Spine
Stimulation of Abdominal Organs
Improved Mood and Energy
Promotion of Circulation
Asana #5: Rag Doll (Uttanasana Variation)
Come to stand with feet hip-width distance apart.
Bend the knees. Slowly roll down ~
Head heavy. Elbows can hug one another or arms can dangle down by the sides.
Stay stationary or sway side to side.
Headache Relief
Calmness and Stress Reduction
Improves Flexibility
Resortivie Qualities
Enhanced Sleep Quality
Written and demonstrated by Alina Garcia, Instructor at Evolve Yoga and Wellness