Yoga Practices for When You’re Under the Weather
When we’re sick, we often find ourselves spending a substantial amount of time lying down. This can result in body soreness, stiffness, and all around aches, making even the simplest tasks challenging. However once you find yourself starting to feel a bit better, here are five yoga poses to help relieve some of the discomfort in your body.
It can be frustrating not to move our bodies like we are used to. However, being kind to your mind and body while you are sick will help lead to a faster and easier recovery.
It is important to choose a spot where you feel comfortable. Either on the ground or your bed.
I invite you to use blocks, props, blankets, pillows, allowing yourself to be as comfortable as possible and ready to fight this icky-ness away!
*Pro - Tip: Before practice using some Vicks Vapor Rub or Eucalyptus or Mint essential oils on your chest might be beneficial*
Written and demonstrated by Alina Garcia, Instructor at Evolve Yoga and Wellness