Yoga for Everyone: A Beginner’s Guide

In our visually engaging world of social media, we often see the best of things rather than the reality. This is also true of how yoga is often represented. We see the most beautiful poses performed by the most capable bodies—often bodies of a specific type. We wonder where we might fit in that world. But the truth is that yoga really is for everyone! The key is to find the right yoga for you.

Try Everything!

There are so many different approaches to yoga asana and even more types of teachers. It is best to explore as many different practices as possible to find the one that resonates with you. Some methods move steadily with a flow dynamic between postures like vinyasa. Others allow you to settle into postures passively for long periods of time like Yin. And there is everything between. The more you try, the more you learn how you want to move your body and the benefits you are aiming for.

Every instructor teaches differently and you want to find someone you feel safe with and trust, and someone whose communication style suits you. Some instructors give a lot of explanation, while others give their students a lot of space to find their own way. When you find a teacher you connect with, you’ll know.

Finding Your Perfect Practice

You may also need to determine what time of day suits your schedule and your body best and other details of practice like the best yoga mat—mostly based on preference, by the way. You will discover that the temperature of the room where you practice may vary by style or teacher. Do you like it hot? Or not?

There is no hurry to figure it out and don’t be discouraged along the journey. Soon enough you will find that class that makes you feel amazing or that teacher who makes it all make sense. And then always keep an open mind, be flexible (see what I did there?), and be prepared to adjust and accept change as you go. You are beginning a journey of transformation, be open to everything that might mean for you.

Evolve Offers Options

Foundations of Yoga with Travis 

Wednesdays at 9:30 am

Fridays at 11 am

Saturdays at 9:30 am


Mondays at 11 am with Danielle

Mondays at 6 pm with Sophie

Wednesdays at 6 pm with Neil

Gentle Vinyasa

Tuesdays at 11 am with Chad

Thursdays at 11 am with Chad

Saturdays at 12 pm with Alexis

Sundays at 4 pm with Sarah

The Mysore approach to Ashtanga Yoga is also a wonderful option for beginners. This self-practice approach allows for one-on-one attention and gives students the space to move at their own pace. In August, Evolve will be offering a four-week introductory series in the Ashtanga Yoga method with Angelique. This is the perfect way to learn this traditional practice with other beginners!

Indroduction to Ashtanga Mysore

Four-Week Series $75

Tuesdays 6:30-7:30 pm in August

These sessions are progressive, each week builds on the previous.

Embrace the Journey

Remember, yoga is a personal journey, and what works for one person may not work for another. It’s about finding what feels right for you and enjoying the journey along the way. So, explore different styles and teachers, experiment with different times of day, and don't be afraid to switch things up if something isn't working for you. The right practice is out there, and the journey to find it is part of the fun.


Exploring the Mysore Method of Ashtanga Yoga: A Beginner's Guide