Angelique Sandas Angelique Sandas

Yoga for Everyone: A Beginner’s Guide

In our visually engaging world of social media, we often see the best of things rather than the reality. This is also true of how yoga is often represented. We see the most beautiful poses performed by the most capable bodies—often bodies of a specific type. We wonder where we might fit in that world. But the truth is that yoga really is for everyone! The key is to find the right yoga for you.

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Angelique Sandas Angelique Sandas

Exploring the Mysore Method of Ashtanga Yoga: A Beginner's Guide

Have you ever heard of the Mysore method of Ashtanga Yoga? If you’re familiar with yoga, you might recognize Ashtanga, but Mysore might still be a mystery. Even if you have some knowledge about it, the idea of attending a Mysore class can feel intimidating. I completely understand—starting something new can be daunting. However, Mysore is a welcoming and inclusive practice, especially for beginners. Let me demystify it for you.

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Emily Lail Emily Lail

So What IS the Evolution Series?

Curious about what exactly you’ll learn in our Evolution Series? Unroll your mat and the secrets to the deeper meaning behind your yoga practice. Learn more and join us today!

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