Chad Carpenter

What inspired you to teach yoga? What is your WHY?

A consistent yoga practice has meant no longer experiencing my mind as a torment and no longer being a victim of my environment. As a youth, I was very hyperactive and attention deficit, living with a mind that seemed to do whatever it wanted, whenever it wanted. When I began practicing yoga, meditation & breathwork regularly, I was finally able to experience relief from the incessant chatter and wandering of the mind and even more so, able to conduct my mental and emotional processes much more consciously. After going from a life of constant frustration and anger to one of happiness and joy, I was quickly inspired to dedicate my life to helping others experience the same shift. Holding space for people to show up for themselves is the greatest joy in my life and I am incredibly grateful to be of service to anyone who walks through the doors of Evolve.

Complete the sentence! “Yoga is…”

Yoga is...a collection of tools that allows for the exploration of self. A space to find relief from all of the external judgements, expectations and stresses that occupy and often consume the mind.

What are you certifications?

200 RYT from Om Yoga & Wellness
300 RYT from Soul Space Yoga & Wellness
Yin & Restorative Yoga 15 hour immersion from Om Yoga & WellnessRestorative Yoga 15 hour immersion from Kelly Haas Yoga Therapy
Prenatal Yoga 15 hour immersion from Kelly Haas Yoga Therapy
Somatic Breathwork certification from Breath Masters
Functional & Therapeutic Breathwork certification from Breath & Body Therapy

What do you teach?

Vinyasa, Power Vinyasa, Yin, Restorative and Prenatal as well as specializing as a Somatic Breathwork guide. I enjoy teaching all of these because I have experienced profound benefits from each and love to share all of those benefits.


Danielle Vardakas


Sophie Malahieude