Dani Guerrette

What inspired you to teach yoga? What is your WHY?

The further away we get from the beginning of something the more important it is to revisit your why and what brought you to the mat! I began a deep dive into my personal practice when i was 25 and had moved from Boston to Sonoma California. My teacher said she saw something in me,a determination and focus and she recommended I look into teaching. I dismissed the idea for many years, until I moved to Miami and declared that I was ready to share this practice and teach. I saw first hand how it had slowly transformed me in all ways and became a cornerstone of my life. I specifically wanted to help people who were nervous and shaky about getting onto the mat. This led me to a mantra that I have kept since 2013, start where you are. There is no perfect time, or place or circumstance to begin something. Watching people transform in front of my eyes and to be a part of their yoga journey has and always will be my why! every time I teach I see it as a privilege to hold space for the students!

What are you certifications?

200 hour RYT from Fred Busch Power Yoga - over 10 years of teaching experience in Miami ,Dallas and Houston -Fit for Birth Certified in pre/post natal corrective excercise

What do you teach?

I primarily teach hot vinyasa and power yoga. I also love teaching yin and restorative, as well as hatha.

Complete the sentence! “Yoga is…”

Yoga is….. Yoga is an endless evolving lifelong journey within to your best self. With the practice of yoga you become physically, mentally and spiritually strong and resilient, content and peaceful. you are better able to handle whatever life throws at you and whatever season of life you are in.


Alina Garcia


Alexis Gallego